Excel 2017 for mac
Excel 2017 for mac

  1. #Excel 2017 for mac for free#
  2. #Excel 2017 for mac software#

  • Weighted least squares (WLS) regression.
  • Multivariate linear regression (residuals analysis, collinearity diagnostics, confidence and prediction bands).
  • Wilcoxon Matched Pairs Test, Sign Test, Friedman ANOVA, Kendall's W (coefficient of concordance). Mann-Whitney U Test, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Wald-Wolfowitz Runs Test, Rosenbaum Criterion.
  • Rank correlations (Kendall Tau, Spearman R, Gamma, Fechner).
  • 2x2 tables analysis (Chi-square, Yates Chi-square, Exact Fisher Test, etc.).
  • Within subjects ANOVA and mixed models.
  • Post-hoc comparisons - Bonferroni, Tukey-Kramer, Tukey B, Tukey HSD, Neuman-Keuls, Dunnett.
  • One-way and two-way ANOVA (with and without replications).
  • excel 2017 for mac

  • Multiple definitions for computing quantile statistics.
  • Frequency tables analysis (for discrete and continuous variables).
  • Normality tests (Jarque-Bera, Shapiro-Wilk, Shapiro-Francia, Cramer-von Mises, Anderson-Darling, Kolmogorov-Smirnov, D'Agostino's tests).
  • excel 2017 for mac

    Migration guide for users switching from Analysis ToolPak.

  • Options to emulate Excel Analysis ToolPak results and.
  • Permanent license and free major upgrades during the maintenance period.
  • Standalone spreadsheet with Excel (XLS and XLSX), OpenOffice/LibreOffce Calc (ODS) and text documents support.
  • This free application demonstrates qualities typically only available in costly specialized suites – consistency and accuracy of results, reliability, plenty of data analysis models and tools, various data types, graphs, charts and much, much more. No matter if you are an experienced user migrating from a familiar toolset or a novice exploring the capabilities of the new software, StatPlus:mac LE gives you an easily configured workspace with a vast array of tools.

    #Excel 2017 for mac software#

    Try the free version now and find out why - statistically - most people stop looking for any other tools once they find StatPlus:mac!īy installing this software you accept all the terms and conditions of the end user license agreement provided here.

    #Excel 2017 for mac for free#

    If you are using a Mac and Microsoft Excel 2004–2019 for Mac or Apple Numbers for daily analytical and statistical purposes, StatPlus:mac LE is exactly what you need to get started! Get a powerful statistical tool for free – now with a set of new essential features - without leaving Excel.

    excel 2017 for mac

    Meet StatPlus:mac LE - a free edition of StatPlus:mac Professional developed by AnalystSoft.

    Excel 2017 for mac